Since 2018 Yprema, long term member of FIR, has been providing high quality recycled aggregates for a demanding application in new construction sites for the Parisian metro.
The GRAND PARIS EXPRESS, the biggest construction site in France, is maybe also in the biggest in Europe. 200 km of railway is added to the already existing 200 km of the Parisian metro.
Yprema, long term member of FIR, shows its knowlegde and the quality of its Recycled Crushed Concrete Gravel 0/20 EXPRESS (GBCR 0/20) in its partnership with construction firm RAZEL-BEC. In the Phase 14 South of the construction site, in 2021, Yprema’s recycled concrete, containing 95% of concrete, has been used to fill in the bottom of the tunnels. The resistance of the recycled concrete makes it a fantastic material, strong enough to support the upper top layers on which the subway tracks will be constructed.

In 2023 Yprema’s recycled crusehd concrete has been used in the Phase 3 building site of the Line 16 of the Grand Paris Express (St-Denis Pleyel – Noisy-Champs).
Since 2018, Yprema delivers recycled crushed concrete for the open air work and, since August 2020, for the filling of the bottom of the tunnels, layer by layer, each 20 cm high, up to a height of 1,40m, plus one layer of concrete to support the railways.
This project is also a milestone in the recognition of the recycled crushed concrete as a complement to traditional concrete (in conformity to the law text of 30 July 2020 regarding the exit of the status as waste).
For François PRZYBYLKO, Commercial Director of Yprema, « these 2 projects represent a French national benchmark and a long-term recognition of the use of recycled materials ».

For Mr Bertrand SANIAL (Production Manager of Razel Bec), « the choice of Yprema’s recycled crushed concrete gravel lies in its ability to replace part of the concrete thanks to its technical characteristics. A second important factor is the ecological factor : the carbon savings of almost 7000t. »
« Yprema monitors weekly the quality of the material on their plant in Emerainville production site and monthly on the building site through an extremely rigorous protocol, a guarantee for quality. On site the tests are held weekly by the RAZEL BEC Laboratory on VBs, water content and sulphate treshold) », dixit Mr SANIAL.
In total more than 60 000 tonnes of high quality recycled aggregates have been used up to today.